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55 gallon spill containment

Do you handle hazardous materials such as chemicals, oil or the like? If you do, then you are aware of the importance of original components care and free territory from soils. Spills are very common and if not cleaned up quickly, can lead to major issues. For that NEXARA has this unique solution for you - paleta de contención de verteduras !

Contain Hazards in Seconds

In this way, our 55-gallon spill containment system is eco friendly too! In real solutions, we really want your planet to be well, all the materials that are used in our business will not harm humans. This is where our system will be eco friendly not harm the environment. And you can wash our catch pan system to use it over and over, which makes for an eco-friendly solution as well so opt for bandexa de contención de verteduras from NEXARA. Win, win, all around!

Why choose NEXARA 55 gallon spill containment?

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