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Most of the time, when moving things from one place to another people use a pallet. Pallets are essentially enormous, flat sheets that can move or store large and weighty objects like crates, machines etc. They are key pieces of equipment for numerous industrial premises, which use them to both store and move their products. But did you realize that as not all pallets are the same? There are plastic pallets, wooden ones and others made out of different materials as well with special sides! Find out more about the ways these great plastic pallets with sides can support operations and help keep employees safe while being good for our environment too.

Pallets with sides are perfect for organizing items and moving them around on the pallet because they can be staked. Stacking pallets is sort of like stacking a bunch of cardboard boxes way up high. And if the boxes are not stacked correctly, then it may drop and make mess. That is why it has sides that help hold everything in place. The sides function as a wall around the pallet keeping the bins in place so they do not slide or fall off. That prevents your goods from falling while you transport them place-to-place, and this also enables stores to carry more items at a time increased storage.

    Secure your products with plastic pallets featuring built-in sides

    One of the things that matter most when it comes to business is ensuring your products and services are safe. Having products damaged during transit can add to a significant amount of expense should you have to replace them. Plastic pallets with sides may turn out to be safer. The sides prevent the products from moving too much, as such they are prevented to glide and even fall out of the pallet during transportation. Also, as these plastic pallets are extremely robust, they would not break or snap under heavy loads too easily. When storing and shipping goods, this safety contributes to manufacturing peace of mind due to ever growing security.

    Why choose NEXARA plastic pallets with sides?

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